Selecting Educational Resources
Importance of Factors in Selecting Required Course Material
Includes test banks Familiarity with brand/publisher Works with my institutionŐs LMS
Very important 13% 9% 16%
Important 15% 23% 18%
Somewhat important 16% 34% 20%
Not important 55% 34% 46%
Includes supplemental instructor material Adaptable/editable Recommended by other faculty members
Very important 22% 19% 13%
Important 19% 24% 31%
Somewhat important 21% 25% 34%
Not important 38% 32% 21%
Easy to find Comprehensive content and activities Cost to the student
Very important 32% 48% 50%
Important 38% 29% 37%
Somewhat important 19% 12% 11%
Not important 11% 12% 2%
Importance of Factors in Selecting Required Course Material by Type of Institution
Four year Two Year
Familiarity with brand/publisher 31% 36%
Works with institutionŐs LMS 30% 49%
Test banks 23% 50%
Recommended by faculty 43% 51%
Adaptable/editable 40% 54%
Supplemental instructor material 36% 61%
Easy to find 68% 76%
Comprehensive 74% 87%
Cost to the student 86% 91%
Satisfaction with Factors in Selecting Required Course Material
Cost to the student Adaptable/editable Includes supplemental instructor material
Very satisfied 24% 27% 32%
Satisfied 34% 45% 41%
Somewhat satisfied 27% 21% 20%
Not satisfied 15% 7% 7%
Includes test banks Comprehensive content and activities Recommended by other faculty members
Very satisfied 36% 33% 21%
Satisfied 42% 49% 62%
Somewhat satisfied 16% 15% 15%
Not satisfied 6% 3% 2%
Works with my institutionŐs LMS Easy to find Familiarity with brand/publisher
Very satisfied 31% 35% 38%
Satisfied 53% 52% 53%
Somewhat satisfied 12% 11% 8%
Not satisfied 5% 1% 1%
Importance of Cost to Student in Selecting Required Course Material
Very important Important
Overall 50% 37%
Specialized 35% 47%
Baccalaureate 43% 43%
Masters 55% 36%
Doctoral/Research 43% 40%
Associates 61% 31%
20,000 and above 48% 40%
10,000 - 19,999 54% 34%
5,000 - 9,999 54% 33%
1,000 - 4,999 44% 41%
Under 1,000 57% 28%
At least 2 but less than 4 years 61% 31%
Four or more years 47% 39%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources
Awareness of Open Educational Resources: 2015-16
Very Aware Aware Somewhat Aware Not Aware
6.6% 18.9% 16.5% 58.1%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources: 2014-15 and 2015-16
Very Aware Aware Somewhat Aware Not Aware
2014-15 5% 15% 14% 66%
2015-16 7% 19% 16% 58%
Awareness of Licensing of Open Educational Resources
Awareness of Licensing: 2015-16
Very Aware Aware Somewhat Aware Unaware
Copyright 42% 39% 16% 4%
Public Domain 28% 38% 26% 7%
Creative Commons 16% 22% 28% 34%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons: 2015-16
Very Aware Aware Somewhat Aware Not Aware
5.9% 16.0% 11.9% 66.3%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons: 2014-15 and 2015-16
Very Aware Aware Somewhat Aware Not Aware
2014-15 5% 12% 10% 74%
2015-16 6% 16% 12% 66%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons: 2015-16
Very aware Aware
Four or more years 5% 16%
At least 2 but less than 4 years 10% 17%
Associates 10% 16%
Doctoral/Research 4% 16%
Masters 5% 17%
Baccalaureate 6% 16%
Specialized 2% 8%
Awareness of Open Educational Resources and Creative Commons: 2015-16
Very aware Aware
Arts and Literature 5% 17%
Business Administration 8% 14%
Computer and Information Science 13% 20%
Education 9% 22%
Engineering 7% 19%
Humanities 9% 16%
Law 7% 7%
Linguistics / Language 8% 18%
Mathematics 10% 22%
Medicine 3% 17%
Natural Sciences 5% 20%
Psychology 8% 18%
Social Sciences 4% 12%
Awareness of Open Textbooks
Awareness of Open Textbooks: 2015-16
Very aware 6.9%
Aware 12.2%
Somewhat aware 15.2%
Not aware 65.7%
Awareness of Open Textbooks and Creative Commons: 2015-16
Very aware 6.3%
Aware 10.3%
Somewhat aware 12.8%
Not aware 70.6%
Educational Resource Decision Process
Faculty Actions That Impact Required Course Materials
Created a new course 48%
Substantially modified an existing course 65%
Changed required course materials 74%
Created new course and modified existing course 37%
Created new course and changed required material 40%
Modified existing course and changed required material 54%
Created new course, modified existing course and selected new required material 33%
None of the above 10%
Proportion of Faculty Selecting Required Course Materials
Total 90%
Part-time 81%
Full-time 93%
Tenured 92%
Not tenured 93%
Not tenure track 89%
Teach Online 97%
Teach Blended 97%
Proportion of Faculty Selecting Required Course Materials by Institutional Characteristics
20,000 and above 89%
10,000 - 19,999 91%
5,000 - 9,999 92%
1,000 - 4,999 88%
Under 1,000 91%
Specialized 85%
Baccalaureate 93%
Masters 91%
Doctoral/Research 90%
Associates 90%
Two years 88%
Four or more years 90%
Type of Course with Largest Enrollment for New Required Materials
A new course 23.20%
A substantially modified course 42.60%
A course with new required materials 34.20%
Level of Course with Largest Enrollment for New Required Materials
Undergraduate 76.90%
Graduate 20.60%
Other 2.50%
Delivery Method of Course with Largest Enrollment for New Required Materials
Face-to-face 74.80%
Blended 13.30%
Online 11.90%
Classification of Course with Largest Enrollment for New Required Materials
Introductory course 41.10%
Intermediate level course 27.60%
Advanced course 28.70%
N/A Does not apply 2.60%
Average Enrollment for Course Being Considered for New Required Materials
Overall 154
A course with new required materials 199
A substantially modified course 157
A new course 71
Not required 74
Required for some students (e.g., majors) 162
Required for all students 220
Advanced course 38
Intermediate level course 83
Introductory course 241
Single section 44
Course taught in multiple sections 244
Graduate 33
Undergraduate 169
Type of Text Material Required
Textbook 18.0%
Textbook + Other Text 59.7%
Other Text 20.0%
Neither 2.4%
Type of Textbook Required
Printed 50.0%
Digital 8.5%
Printed and Digital 19.1%
None 22.4%
Textbook Requirements by Type of Course
Printed Printed and digital Digital
Overall 50.0% 19.1% 8.5%
Undergraduate 51.9% 19.6% 8.7%
Graduate 42.8% 19.2% 8.5%
Introductory course 50.2% 20.8% 9.9%
Intermediate level course 53.4% 18.7% 8.7%
Advanced course 45.7% 17.6% 7.1%
Face-to-face 52.7% 15.7% 7.5%
Blended 41.1% 29.1% 10.8%
Online 44.0% 28.0% 12.2%
Licensing of Required Textbooks
Printed Textbook(s) Copyrighted 97.3%
Creative Commons 0.9%
Public Domain 2.4%
NA/Don't Know 2.0%
Digital Textbook(s) Copyrighted 80.9%
Creative Commons 7.9%
Public Domain 11.7%
NA/Don't Know 6.8%
Licensing of Required Material Other Than Textbooks
Other Printed Copyrighted 46%
Creative Commons 15%
Public Domain 44%
NA/Don't Know 10%
Other Digital Copyrighted 45%
Creative Commons 19%
Public Domain 52%
NA/Don't Know 11%
Openly licensed Material Use
Textbook 2.1%
Textbook and other material 3.2%
Other material 36.0%
None 58.7%
Use of Open-Licensed Textbook By Course Characteristics: 2015-16
Overall 5.3%
Undergraduate 4.7%
Graduate 10.0%
Multiple sections 5.7%
Single section 5.5%
Introductory course 4.9%
Intermediate level course 5.7%
Advanced course 7.0%
Face-to-face 5.5%
Blended 5.2%
Online 7.2%
Use of Open Educational Resources By Faculty Characteristics: 2015-16
Textbook Textbook and other material Other material
Overall 2.1% 3.2% 36.0%
Teach Intro Level 1.8% 3.0% 34.3%
Teach Blended 2.1% 3.6% 37.0%
Teach Online 2.4% 2.9% 35.0%
Not tenure track 1.6% 3.2% 35.5%
Tenure track, not tenured 1.3% 4.2% 37.1%
Tenured 2.4% 3.0% 37.9%
N/A 2.9% 3.3% 29.3%
Full-time 2.3% 3.5% 35.7%
Part-time 1.5% 2.0% 37.1%
Potential Barriers
Barriers to Adopting Open Educational Resources
Not enough resources for my subject 49%
Too hard to find what I need 48%
No comprehensive catalog of resources 45%
Not used by other faculty I know 30%
Not high-quality 28%
Not knowing if I have permission to use or change 21%
Not current, up-to-date 17%
Too difficult to integrate into technology I use 14%
Lack of support from my institution 12%
Too difficult to change or edit 11%
Barriers to Adopting Open Educational Resources by OER Awareness
Not aware Aware of OER
Not enough resources for my subject 47% 50%
Too hard to find what I need 47% 48%
No comprehensive catalog of resources 46% 44%
Not used by other faculty I know 40% 24%
Not high-quality 19% 32%
Not knowing if I have permission to use or change 26% 19%
Not current, up-to-date 14% 18%
Too difficult to integrate into technology I use 11% 15%
Lack of support from my institution 13% 11%
Too difficult to change or edit 9% 12%
Barriers to Adopting Open Educational Resources
2014-15 2015-16
Not enough resources for my subject 37% 49%
Too hard to find what I need 44% 48%
No comprehensive catalog of resources 51% 45%
Not used by other faculty I know 18% 30%
Not high-quality 18% 28%
Not knowing if I have permission to use or change 33% 21%
Not current, up-to-date 7% 17%
Too difficult to integrate into technology I use 13% 14%
Lack of support from my institution 15% 12%
Too difficult to change or edit 11% 11%
The Process of Textbook Adoption for Introductory Courses
Introductory Textbook Awareness, Consideration, and Adoption
OpenStax Overall
Aware 70% 82%
Considered if Aware 44% 52%
Adopted if Considered 32% 41%
Importance of Factors in Selecting Required Course Material by OpenStax User Status
Use OpenStax Non-user
Familiarity with brand/publisher 30% 31%
Works with my institutionŐs LMS 29% 32%
Includes test banks 13% 34%
Adaptable/editable 47% 42%
Includes supplemental instructor material 23% 48%
Recommended by other faculty members 42% 49%
Easy to find 77% 61%
Comprehensive content and activities 81% 84%
Cost to the student 94% 85%
Barriers to Adopting Open Educational Resources by OpenStax User Status
Use OpenStax Non-user
Not current, up-to-date 14% 8%
Not knowing if I have permission to use or change 21% 18%
Lack of support from my institution 11% 19%
Too difficult to change or edit 14% 20%
Too difficult to integrate into technology I use 18% 23%
Not used by other faculty I know 29% 31%
Not enough resources for my subject 36% 32%
Not high-quality 43% 37%
Too hard to find what I need 18% 43%
No comprehensive catalog of resources 21% 46%
Ease of Searching Traditional Publishers
Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult Don't Know
17.0% 46.2% 17.5% 1.7% 17.6%
Ease of Searching Open Educational Resources
Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult Don't Know
1.5% 13.7% 18.7% 3.9% 62.4%
Relative Ease of Searching Open Educational Resources
OER superior OER the same OER inferior N/A Missing
2.5% 13.3% 14.5% 69.7%
Future Use
Will You Use Open Educational Resources in the Next Three Years?
Yes 6.9%
Will consider 31.3%
Might Consider 31.5%
Not interested 5.4%
No Opinion / Don't Know 24.9%
Will You Use Open Textbooks in the Next Three Years?
Yes 6.5%
Will consider 30.4%
Might Consider 32.0%
Not interested 7.3%
No Opinion / Don't Know 23.9%
Survey Methodology
Respondents - Tenure Status
N/A 14.5%
Tenured 47.0%
Tenure track, not tenured 11.1%
Not tenure track 27.4%
Respondents - Number of Years teaching
1 to 3 4.8%
4 to 5 6.8%
6 to 9 12.7%
10 to 15 20.0%
16 to 20 13.5%
More than 20 42.3%
Respondents - Level of Institution
Four or more years 78.8%
At least 2 but less than 4 years 21.2%
Respondents - Carnegie Classification of Institution
Associates 22.9%
Doctoral/Research 37.4%
Masters 25.5%
Baccalaureate 9.3%
Specialized 4.9%
Respondents - Teach At Least One of the Specified Type of Course
Graduate 43%
Undergraduate 87%
Face-to-Face 95%
Blended 27%
Online 29%